[La Garde] Yonax
La Garde is a French faction, we enjoy sharing and experimenting with new ships. We specialize in building ships with a department of our faction that is entirely dedicated to it. This department is organized like an audiovisual production which offers a formidable efficiency. For more info about us : https://wiki.starbasegame.com/index.php?title=La_Garde/en
If you want to visit, come here : https://discord.gg/YF9bhXH8f9
You can pay with in-game credits or buy them with ores, which we'll ask you to provide according to our needs. (For example: 2M credits or 200 stacks of Lukium for this BP)
Every blueprint you buy is permanent. With every ship blueprint you buy, you can request the new version for free as soon as it is released.
For all purchases you will be asked to pay before you receive the product. Then to access the BP you need to give me your email so I can give you access to our Google drive where you can access the .FBE file at any time with the latest version.
⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️
La Garde will respect the rules of conduct of Frozenbyte.
-Point 33 of the code of conduct- you may not directly or indirectly partake in any action which could reasonably be construed to be intended to cause irritation (‘trolling’), or that which may otherwise be reasonably considered to negatively affect another user’s experience outside of the normal course of gameplay (‘griefing’). (Stealing components, ships, materials, or other items).
We are open to all criticism, opinions and feedback on our ships then do not hesitate! If you have any problem with our ships contact its creator it will be happy to help you.
La Garde Stock 1890 edition [France] [French] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The 1890 edition of Stockage is a very basic ship including the minimum to move a few meters (from a station to its capital ship for example) The ship has 1890 crates. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Don't forget to craft the crates before the ship is manufactured to reduce costs ! ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ **
ARC-170 [Star wars] [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The ARC-170 referred to Aggressive ReConnaissance. The fighter is made for range combat between _100m and 5km_. It has a _medium armor_ that offers good maneuverability. The ARC-170 offers a great customization of the _sensitivity (manual mode)_ and the _distance of convergence of the weapons_ with 3 modes (100 m, 5km and manual mode) therefore It can shoot with the full power of these __4 laser guns__ on a very precise target. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - Pvp--------------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ *The ARC-170 as 3 seat : 2 pilots and one gunner at the back.* - The __front pilot__ can control the _ship_ and the _lasers_. - The __middle pilot__ is in charge of _tracking down enemy ships_ and can help the first pilot to _shoot_ and _control the ship_. The middle pilot can also take the place of the front pilot if he dies in combat. - The __gunner__ is on the back he can raise the canopy to _shoot with his infantry weapon_ on enemy ship. *You can also open or close the __movable wings__ for esthetics and a little more protection on the ship. ^^* ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==>Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== _Systems :_ - The ISAN2 Mono technology developed by the Collective - OFF mode - Sensitivity control - Asteroid avoidance - Basic visualization panel (ship's engine start, weapons overheating, fuel rod, gas, battery) **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ **
Droid Tri-Fighter [Star wars] [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The Droid tri-fighter is an interceptor class ship, it is mainly used in escort and position defense. Its consequent armament is composed of 3 laser cannons and 1 plasma cannon allowing it to cause important damage on its target in a very short time. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - Pvp--------------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ It has 2 firing modes, red button with the 3 lasers and Blue buttoun with the plasma cannon. The Droid tri-fighter has a light constitution which gives it a very agile movement. The ship is very small so it is very difficult to aim at it :) The price of the ship remains very low for a combat ship. It has a resource bridge for refueling. Systems : - The ISAN2 Mono technology developed by the Collective - Asteroid avoidance - Basic visualization panel (ship's engine start, weapons overheating, fuel rod, gas, battery) - Sensitivity control ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== !! You can assemble this ship with or without weapons which significantly reduces the price of Assembly cost and the resources required for its construction !! - Assembly cost : 468,275 Resources that are no longer required : - Kutonium (3.8) - Surtrite (4.8) - Arkanium (4.8) - Exorium (0.5) made in France ^^ UPDATE : 10/04/2022 - V3 Sensitivity control and organisation of buttons and display devices 04/05/2022 - V3.1 Heatsink update and organisation of devices 21/05/2022 - V3.2 More Heatsink and more beam + speedometer 20/08/2022 - V3.3 Added Aeguisium plating to reduce weight + more armor
Vulture Droid [Star Wars] [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The vulture droid is a light weight fighter with great maneuverability and a ridiculous build cost. It is equipped with 4 laser cannons with a good rate of fire offering good firepower in combat. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Vulture Droid is a fighter that relies on an overwhelming number of ships during combat, rather than having a very expensive ship. This is the first version of the ship it is not yet perfect. ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== !! You can craft the pieces needed for the ship to significantly reduces the price of Assembly cost and the resources required for its construction !! Systems : - Antiburst (can shoot forever) - Cruise - Wings arm control (on/off)
Droid Tri-Fighter elite [Star wars] [FR] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The Droid tri-fighter elite is a variant of the classic Droid tri-fighter that you can find here : (https://sb-creators.org/makers/%5BLa%20Garde%5D%20Yonax/ship/Droid%20Tri-Fighter%20%20%5BStar%20wars%5D%20%5BFR%5D%20) Droid tri-fighter elite like its predecessor is an interceptor class ship, it is mainly used in escort and position defense. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - Pvp--------------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ Its consequent armament is composed of 3 laser cannons and 1 plasma cannon allowing it to cause important damage on its target in a very short time. The elite version adds a Tier 3 generator, fuel chamber and thrusters that allow it to fire more lasers and plasma energy before it runs out of power. It has 2 firing modes, red button with the 3 lasers and Blue buttoun with the plasma cannon. The Droid tri-fighter elite has a light constitution which gives it a very agile movement. The ship is very small so it is very difficult to aim at it :) The price of the ship remains very low for a combat ship. It has a resource bridge for refueling. Systems : The ISAN2 Mono technology developed by the Collective Asteroid avoidance Basic visualization panel (ship's engine start, weapons overheating, fuel rod, gas, battery) Sensitivity control ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==>Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== !! You can craft the pieces needed for the ship to significantly reduces the price of Assembly cost and the resources required for its construction !! made in France ^^ **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ ** Updates : 01/10/2022 - V1.2 Generator max power fix 60->100, Shoring material management
BBQ X-Wing edition [Star wars] [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

This ship is a reborn of the original BBQWing mk4.1 built by Doktorbbq in a brand new** X-Wing** version. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Many modifications were made to modernize the ship. An addition of **armor plates**, a remake of the anti-brust mode which can now **fire** the X-wing **indefinitely**. New ammunition storage have been added of **4200 laser shots** and a lot of heat sink. Some aesthetic changes to make the ship conform to Star Wars and some Yolol optimizations. ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== *Systems :* - The ISAN2 Mono technology developed by the Collective - Infinite firepower mode with 1 laser shot at a time (every 0.2 seconds) or 8 laser shots at once. - The laser cannons are adjusted to the maximum range for a better convergence point. - Togglable Fire desync script desyncing all 8 lasers once approaching maximum heat. - Ore Scanner - Maintainance acces **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ ** *This ship was put on the market with the permission of the original creator : https://sb-creators.org/makers/BBQ%20Meats%20%26%20Utensils/ship/%5BFree%5D%20BBQWing%20mk4.1*
Le Néophyte
[La Garde] Yonax

Are you a new player in Starbase? Are you tired of the Laborer? Here’s a ship that will meet fulfil all your expectations ! Very easy to use and modify. It includes 2 mining lasers and a maximum of 64 crates and 12 thrusters. It has all the equipment you need to start your adventure and understand the basic mechanics of Starbase. Don’t hesitate to buy the pre-built ship if you don’t have the resources ! - Style-------------⭐⭐🌟🌟⚫ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐🌟⚫⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟 ⭐= original ship 🌟= with upgrades ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** How to buy the ship => answer here :https://sb-creators.org/makers/%5BLa%20Garde%5D%20Yonax ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ **
L-Cargo-Eos [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

The L-Cargo-Eos is a very good mining and cargo ship created for the single player looking for a multifunctional and automated ship for a reasonable price. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Pvp--------------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ The L-Cargo-Eos has 3 mining lasers that last a very long time. It can carry up to 300 cargo crates for very long distances. The ship has charodium armour to temporarily protect it from pirates. This ship is very easy to repair (number of cables and pipes minimised) and resistant to almost all asteroid collisions. This ship displays all information we need. Yolol system : - Asteroid avoidance - Eco Mode - Isan V2 - Auto Approach - Collector energy adjustment - Ores scan - Laser Eco mode - Light alert when system low ( Battery / Gen / Fuelrod / Gas ) - Automatic laser turret movement ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== UPDATE : 04/05/2022 - V3.1 Heatsink update
STARBOMB [Explosion] [Nuke] [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

I made the biggest explosion possible in Starbase using the exorium tank which has the largest explosion zone. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Armor-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Speed-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ *Shoot the red tanks* I challenge you to do better than me ! I very strongly recommend using it in the ship designer, as it can have an impact on the experience of other players on the live server. ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==>Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <== ⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ ⚠️Warning: computers with poor performance can suffer, so keep them safe!⚠️
La Citerne [FR] [France] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax

La Citerne is a mining ship adapted for Elysium (the first moon). The ship is equipped with heavy armor with a basic armament of 4 auto cannons. With its 4 mining lasers it will still be effective against asteroids. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⚫ - Pvp--------------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫ The real advantage of the ship is the defense capability of the mining equipment, in case of a pirate attack the deployable armor plates can protect your cockpit and all mining tools. Alarms are available in case of boarding or low altitude (to activate the antigravity thrusters in case of destruction of the control levers). The directional thrusters are hidden inside the ship in case of damage. The ship uses T2 FuelRods and therefore has a large fuel capacity. Yolol systhem : - Asteroid avoidance - Auto Approach - Eco Mode - Ores scan - Automatic laser turret movement ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : https://discord.gg/2teHJBkwMY <==